My Taxi Driver this morning looked something like this .. Kind of like a descendant of Osama Bin Laden.
This morning I called a cab, I usually use the same cab driver I know but was in a rush today and didn't have the time to wait for him. So I had a gentlemen who looked very much like the picture above. Except a lot more gray hairs in his beard. First of all he was pissed cause I took too long to come out of my room. Dispatch told me 15 min, I came out in literally 3 and he was already there searching the lobby for me. Business a little slow there buddy? Anyways I get in the cab with him. He immediately asks me when i'm heading back to the air port (obviously so he can get my business). It was very hard to understand him because his accent was so thick, but i picked it up and told him. Well the cab ride to Google from there was interesting. I LITERALLY couldn't understand a word he was saying and he was getting mad cause i couldn't.
Baba: Aldje ji Form India
Me: Um.. Oh am I from India?! No no my Dad is from Sri Lanka
Baba: Whre Srii Lanka folna?
Me: Uh. Colombo
Baba: NO! Whre Sri Lnak Folna?
Me: Um. I think your asking where in Sri Lanka I'm from and It's colombo
Me: ...........................
Baba: a;lkdsjfa;lkdsjf;alksjfdas;d?
Me: ........................... sir i'm sorry i can't understand
Me: Okay Sir yea this is the buildig right here have a nice day.
Baba: a;kdlsaiuewjkvcncx.
It had said on his badge on the dash he had been cabbing for 6 years. How is that even possible? oh well. Needless to say i'll be using a different cab driver next time I go to work.