I've been getting complaints that I'm not posting in my blog enough, and I agree. So here is a brief update on what's been happening. Things have been super busy at work because we are on deadline, but everything remains fun. This weekend I got the chance to go to Cynthia's Christmas party. It was a lot of fun and i wanted to take her dog home (see below). Saturday I saw Ocean's 12 with Ash, Danny, and Cammy. I really had a good time. Sunday we had our Holiday Extravaganza at Church, it turned out to be a huge success! I love this time of year :)

She was knocked out


What is with those three sexy guys in the same bed...Scary Porno 4, Anybody Want Eggnog?
Yah, yah over the top, but Vegas baby, VEGAS!!!
P.S. It is all your bosses fault.
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