Tuesday, December 28, 2004

It's been a while

Ok, so yes i will update on what's been going on, but FIRST i must vent a bit. So we spend billions of dollars in Iraq fighting this war to apparently "free" the Iraqi people and give them better lives. BUT when a natural disaster comes and wipes out 50 thousand people in Asia we spare 15 million dollars? um... excuse me? Wait let me get this straight. The most powerful nation in the WORLD can only spare 15 million for one of the largest natural disasters in history. I guess there isn't any fiscal benefit to aiding those foreign nations.

1 comment:

sygyzy said...

Things have been updated a bit since P. Here are some numbers for you to ponder

US Spent for Tsunami Relief - $350M
US Spent for Iraqi War - $35B

That's B for Billion.